Commit 621d8174 for

commit 621d8174d4f30e11cc8fca3324eb9d7579d9c01c
Author: Paul Jakma <>
Date:   Sat Jan 20 12:15:40 2018 +0000

    doc: Add commit message template,  suitable for commit.template

    * doc/commit-template.txt: Add git commit template, that can be enabled

      git config --add commit.template doc/commit-template.txt

diff --git a/doc/commit-template.txt b/doc/commit-template.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..baf76b44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/commit-template.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# topic[/subtopic]: Short description which should finish before char 72
+# [Optional general description of the changeset goes here. See below for
+#  further guidance.  A short description of each specific change
+#  made:]
+# * <file>: (function/typemacro) type of change
+# * <file>: (func_{a,b,c}) Frobnicated to match the foo.
+# * <file>: (foo_{bar,war}) Ditto.
+# * <file>: (fnar_*) Ditto, and also twiddled for the thing.
+# Guidelines:
+# - Set your editor to 72 char line width (so 'git log' fits in 80
+#   chars).
+# The 'topic' is used to collate the commit logs, to create summaries
+# for release announcements, so please provide one.
+# Often the topic is the name of the daemon affected (e.g.  'bgpd' or
+# 'ospfd'), or 'lib', or 'build'.  The subtopic isn't often used, but
+# 'security' is a good one to provide on security fixes.
+# The body should provide:
+#     -  The motivation for the change (does it fix a bug, if so which?
+#        add a feature?)
+#    -   The general approach taken, and trade-offs versus any other
+#        approaches.
+#    -   Any testing undertaken or other information affecting the
+#        confidence that can be had in the change.
+#    -   Information to allow reviewers to be able to tell which
+#        specific changes to the code are intended (and hence be able
+#        to spot any accidental unintended changes).
+# -   The commit message *must* give details of all the authors of the change,
+#     beyond the person listed in the Author field.  Any and all
+#     affiliations which may have a bearing on copyright in any way
+#     should be clearly stated, unless those affiliations are already
+#     obvious from other details, e.g.  from the email address.  This
+#     would cover employment and contracting obligations (give
+#     details).
+#     Note: Do not rely on "Signed-off-by" for this, be explicit.
+# -   If the change introduces a new dependency on any code or other
+#     copyrighted material, please explicitly note this.  Give details
+#     of what that external material is, the copyright licence the
+#     material may be used under, and the nature of the dependency.
+# Please have a look at the git commit logs to get a feel for what the
+# norms are.